Join the Best Institute for Microsoft.NET Course in Delhi (Uttam Nagar, Dwarka Mod, Janakpuri)
Best C Programming / C Language Institute
ObjectiveC is an example of a programming language that bridges the gap between high-level and low-level programming. In terms of speed and execution, this simple, elegant, and concise language is one of the most efficient.
we start with the fundamentals of C, such as why it’s needed, how it’s utilized, and how it’s used in the past and present programming worlds, and work our way up to mastering all of the essential ideas in our C Language course.
This course is intended to help you improve your C programming skills. The most important step in mastering any language is to get hands-on practice and understand the principles. Everything from basic programming techniques through decision-making statements, iterations, functions, macros, 1D and 2D arrays, pointers, and dynamic memory allocation for arrays and structures.
Course Duration1 Month
- What is C?
- Background
- Sample program
- Components of a C Program
- Examples
- Data Types
- Variables
- Naming Conventions for C
Variables - Printing and Initializing Variables
- Compiling and Executing a C
- Example of C Function
- Sum invoked from main
- Invoking functions
- Elementary operator
- Increment and Decrement
- Example of Expressions
- if
- if else
- while
- for
- Endless loops
- do while
- break and continue
- switch
- #define
- Macros
- #include
- Conditional Compilation
- #ifdef
- #ifndef
- Character I/O
- End of File
- Simple I/O Example
- Simple I/O Redirection
- I/O with Character Arrays
- Fundamental Concepts
- Pointers Operators and
Operations - Changing an Argument
with a Function Call - Pointer Difference
- Prototypes for Strings
Parameters - Relationship between an
Array and a Pointer - The Pointer Notation *p++
Structure - Fundamental concepts
- Describing a Structures
- Creating Structures
- Array of Structures
- Function Returning a
Pointer to a Structure
- General
- Function Declarations
- Returning a Value or Not
- Function Prototypes
- Arguments and Parameters
- Organization of C Source
Files - Extended Example
- The getline Function
- The strcmp Function
- The atoi Function
- The check Function
- The average Function
- Summary
- Defining the Problem Space
- A Programming Example
- Bit Wise Operators
- Bit Manipulation Function
- Circular Shifts
- Fundamental Concepts
- Aggregate Operations
- Strings Functions
- Arrays Dimensions
- An Array as an Argument to a Function
- Strings Arrays
- Compiling Over Several
Files - Function Scope
- File Scope
- Program Scope
- Local static
- Register and extern
- Object Files
- Libraries
- System calls vs. Library
calls - Opening Disk Files
- A Database Application
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